Double your abandonment revenue with the Identity Pixel. ROI Guaranteed.

The Identity Pixel helps ecommerce brands identify email addresses of their anonymous visitors who don't fill out forms or popups. Reach 260M+ US shoppers without paying for clicks or impressions.
For Shopify stores using Klaviyo.


" Within four weeks, we drove around $240k of incremental new revenue and added over 100,000 warm emails to our email list, which is crazy in such a short period of time. The Identity Pixel became our #1 source of new email marketing revenue. ROI was over 50X what we paid in the first month, and that number continues to increase over time, closer to 70X at this point.
Sahara Lotti
CEO, Lashify

Ad costs are skyrocketing and ROAS is plunging

You're spending more money than ever driving shoppers to your store, only to have the majority of shoppers abandon. To make things worse, it's getting far more difficult to retarget these abandoners.
higher ad costs compared to pre iOS 14.5
  smaller ad retargeting audiences due to iOS 14.5 restrictions.  
in abandonment revenue lost by Ecommerce brands each year
of mobile shoppers abandon their shopping carts
of shoppers buy from a competitor after abandoning
The AI Identity Pixel helps ecommerce brands double their abandonment revenue
It enables this by solving three critical retargeting problems:
~98% of your web traffic is anonymous and can't currently be retargeted through your abandoned cart and browse emails. As a result, you're at the mercy of Facebook and Google for retargeting the vast majority of shoppers who aren't on your email list.
You aren't even consistently sending abandoned cart emails to the ~2% of web traffic that is on your email list (and, therefore, shouldn't appear as anonymous).
Why? Your email subscribers can only be sent abandoned cart emails if they are logged into your store or are “cookied”. ~75% of opted-in abandoners aren't. Odds are you didn't realize that you're losing this revenue.
Here is a breakdown of the cookie related problems that are silently crushing your Klaviyo abandoned cart email revenue:
iOS 14.5 took a sledgehammer to Facebook retargeting audiences. This dramatically increased ad costs and shrunk addressable audiences.
Up to 60% of your email list is dormant. You can't contact these long-abandoned subscribers because you don't want to impact email deliverability.
" The Identity Pixel has given us the ability to identify and get back in front of tens of thousands of high-intent new customers, enabling us to drive significantly more revenue through our email marketing than ever before."
Barbara Karpf
CEO, DecoratorsBest

What does setup involve?

Option 1: Maintain your existing flows and simply connect the AI Identity Pixel
This option is best for brands who've already invested time into creating their abandonment flows (either internally or with an email agency). Simply plug in the AI Identity Pixel (just add our simple script to your site - we'll show you how), 5-10x your send pool within hours, and dramatically increase abandonment revenue recovery.
Option 2: We'll build new flows for you and then connect the AI Identity Pixel
This option is best for brands who'd like our white-glove success team to optimize or fully build out their abandonment flow strategy, structure, and design. We know exactly what works and leverage playbooks gathered from driving millions in directly attributable email revenue for hundreds of top brands. Once the flows are built out, we'll connect the AI Identity Pixel and dramatically scale your abandonment flow send pool.
Don't just trust us. Make us prove it. 30 day free trial on us.
If the AI Identity Pixel doesn't dramatically increase your store's abandonment revenue within the next 30 days or less, you don't pay. Our tiered pricing is strictly based on incremental revenue growth and our performance reporting is transparent.